CO curriculum

Art is offered as a curriculum from Kindergarten to Class 9 .Taught by experts, our students have honed their skills to such an extent that our art exhibitions are a treat for the eye.


A wide spectrum of all dance forms ranging from the melodious eastern to the dynamic western is offered to the student community by our exceptionally talented music Department.

Professional experts contracted from outside ,along with our Music Department help to raise the levels of our students to their maximum potential. We offer Tabla, Harmonium, Piano, Flute, Drums, Octapad and traditionally inclined Zang, lezium etc.

The school also has an excellent band.


Ranging from the classical dance, kathakali to the mix and match tribal dances and folk songs for the theme related topics in the primary years program are taught by our in house dance teacher and have helped our students win various trophies in interschool and state level competitions. Annual Gusto program uses symbolism to effectively convey powerful messages through dance choreographed exclusively by our in-house dance department.

Student Leaderships:

The Student Leadership Program provides opportunities for students to:

Many opportunities exist at VPS for students to develop their leadership skills, including nominating for one of the three student leadership groups:


Sports Achivements Student List - 2022-23

Debating & Public Speaking:


Did you know that debating is a higher order thinking skill and is quite difficult to master? The process of debating offers profound and lasting benefits for those students involved. With its emphasis on critical thinking, effective communication, independent research and teamwork, debate teaches skills that serve students well in all aspects of their school life. Once students have learnt how to debate, they are better able to critically examine and express a logical point of view.

Debating is an integral part of the Gifted and Talented Program at Venkateshwara Public School. Our success in several competitions is a direct reflection of the dedication and skill set of our students. Debating helps students to think logically whilst also promoting communication, interpersonal, and leadership skills in students.

Debating allows students to create connections to their knowledge and form logical persuasive arguments in a specific context, whilst also having fun. Debating has strict rules of conduct and quite sophisticated arguing techniques and students will often be in a position where they will have to argue the opposite of what they believe. Debate is the perfect platform for students to extend their analytical thinking skills.

Public Speaking

Public speaking encourages the correct use of spoken English. It enhances oral communication skills and promotes research skills. Most importantly, it increases levels of confidence and self-esteem. VPS has an impressive track record of success with public speaking. We are very proud of our students!

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